Many people search for “free” or “pro bono” divorce attorneys in their area. Unfortunately, the reality is that nearly zero divorce attorneys take on cases for free. Divorce and family law can be litigious and cases can drag on for years. If a divorce attorney provided free services to a client they could be committing to hundreds of hours of work leading to trial in court for a “client” who isn’t spending a dime. In addition, for attorneys time is money, especially in family law. In light of financial overhead and the necessity of earning a living, there aren’t many “free” divorce attorneys.
But Every County Has A Self Help Center
In California, each county has a self-help center, sometimes referred to as the family law facilitator’s office. You can visit Placer County’s Self Help Center here. Through a self-help center, you can schedule a free appointment for assistance with family law forms or procedural guidance. They can even help individuals file domestic violence restraining orders (DVRO).
While there aren’t many free divorce attorneys in Roseville or Sacramento, the Self Help Center in each county is a great resource for self-represented parties. If you can’t afford an attorney, consider contacting a Self Help Center and scheduling an appointment. Rest assured that many parties in family court represent themselves, but your chances of success can only increase with guidance from the Self Help Center.